The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2465799
Posted By: Azizi
14-Oct-08 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
So is McCain and his surrogates calling Obama a socialist and badmouthing ACORN to change the subject from Troopergate, Palin and her husband's connections to the secessionist Alaska Independent Party and this? :

McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort
-Murray Wass

October 14, 2008

"William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.

The two lobbyists who Timmons worked closely with over a five year period on the lobbying campaign later either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of federal criminal charges that they had acted as unregistered agents of Saddam Hussein's government...

Timmons' activities occurred in the years following the first Gulf War, when Washington considered Iraq to be a rogue enemy state and a sponsor of terrorism. His dealings on behalf of the deceased Iraqi leader stand in stark contrast to the views his current employer held at the time...

As Time magazine's Michael Scherer recently reported, Timmons is "a Washington institution," having worked as a senior aide to every Republican president since Richard Nixon. He also serves as chairman emeritus of Timmons and Company, "a small but influential lobbying firm he founded in 1975 shortly after leaving the White House."


So McCain not only pals around but hires a lobbyist that was under contract with Sadaam Hussein? No wonder McCain wants to change the subject.