The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2465815
Posted By: Bobert
14-Oct-08 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
Well, Miz... I donno... Troopergate, afetr Bush, ain't much of a story... We all figured that the gal had more skeltons in her closet than Carter has liver pills so I don't think there is anything that couole be found out about Ms. Sarah, including nude pics, that would have any impact on her rabid Brown Shirt followers but...

... I am concerned that the Repubs are setting up for a repeat of 2000 if they come ven close with their attacks on ACORN.... I think these attacks are worth alot more effort on defending than Ms. S's past bad behavior... Face it, her supporters are "true believin' rednecks" who won't believe anything that is founf out about her past... That's what makes true believers... They don't care about facts...

ACORN, however, is defendable... At least for now...

That's my take on it, anyway...
