The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2465975
Posted By: Sawzaw
15-Oct-08 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
"rabid Brown Shirt followers"

That must be the Obama truth squads:

The Obama folks have a VERY large organization, part of their Truth Squad. that is exclusively dedicated to watching for blog entries that appear anywhere that are about Sarah Palin. Once spotted, they leave nasty comments and IM others in the group to come "pile on". It's going to get worse - they attack and attempt to silence freedom of speech on a daily basis.

It's shocking to watch the Democrats morph into an organization that copies, almost verbatim, tactics straight from the National Socialism playbook. Sadly, I suspect that most people have no idea of what is going on here - most people do not recognize the signs of what is happening right here in America today. Students of history should be able to recognize these signs - they are observing a new incarnation of the NSDAP taking shape right before their eyes.