The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2466162
Posted By: kendall
15-Oct-08 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
This latest round of deregulation started with Ronald (the actor) Reagan. "Get the government off our backs". (and into our bedrooms)

As I understand it, McCain and Phil Gramm finished the job. They let the fox into the henhouse, and now they are saying the democrats did it. Everyone knows that democrats are for regulations (to protect the poor from the rich) and that republicans want free rein to do whatever they want in business. Those are basic facts.
Capitalism has failed. (As Li'l Abner would say, "As any fool can plainly see."

"The republican party was created to rescue the working man from the clutches of the greedy land owner." (A. Lincoln"

This crap about redistribution of the wealth is a smoke screen No one is advocating that. The rich have been screwing the poor for centuries. That's how they got rich in the first place!

When asked which is more important, labor or capital, A. Lincoln said, "Capital is the result of, and could not exist without labor. Therefore, labor is more important."

Capitalism has failed due to its own greed. Socialism is on the horizon.