The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2466245
Posted By: Greg F.
15-Oct-08 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
The actual Lincoln quote is:

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. {First Annual Message to Congress,December 3, 1861}

and its worth quoting in its entirety (with apologies to Kendall)

This only points up how far the current Repubs have strayed from the principles the party was founded upon with their pandering to the lunatic fundagelical right & etc. and makes their constant harping on "the party of Lincoln" all the more sickening.