The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115195   Message #2467009
Posted By: GUEST,big tim
16-Oct-08 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Hamish Henderson radio programme
Subject: RE: Hamish Henderson radio programme
As coincidence would have it, I will be driving thru Perthshire tomorrow. I will stop at Blairgowrie and try to find and photograph the house, 'Ramleh', his maternal granny's, where HH was born in 1919. I am told it's still standing.

Re the James/Hamish thing, HH was actually Christened James Scott Henderson, after his supposed father James Scott. His mother tho, a Gaelic language and Scots history enthusiast, called him Hamish (the Scots Gaelic form) from day one. Many years on, school records still had him down as James

(btw, Dylan's even having heard of HH in 1962 was, I think, pretty good for a 21 year-old Minnesotan).