The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2467107
Posted By: Ruth Archer
16-Oct-08 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Asylum and immigration are not the same thing. From your responses above, what you want is severe restrictions on asylum and an end to immigration. Why be afraid to be transparent about this? Is it because you know it equates all too well with the ideologies of far-right parties, such as those quorted by Woody?

For what it's worth, I pointed out the similarities between WAV's philosophy and that spelled out on the BNP website many months ago.

They, too, claim not to be racist. No matter how many times they (or WAV) repeat it, it doesn't become any more true.

They, too, love the world being multicultural, just as long as everyone stays in their own country and doesn't come here to dilute and undermine English culture.

They, too, believe that "English culture has taken a hammering" thanks to the malign influence of the mass immigration of the past 50 years.

There you are WAV. If you're not racist, neither is the BNP. Personally, I don't believe either of you. NOTHING I have ever said to you is false or indeed defamitory - all I have ever sought to do where you are concerned is defend the folk culture I love from being harnessed to your twisted, insular, right-wing ideology. The fact that you are so blind that you cannot see your own dogma for what it is is not my problem, nor does it make it any less malignant.

If anyone wants to sack me from the folk police for this, they can have my bloody badge with pleasure.