The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115055 Message #2467185
Posted By: beardedbruce
16-Oct-08 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
Subject: RE: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
EXACTLY- ANYONE who acts in the wway ACORN was acting ( pushing numbers of registrations as opposed to actually tyrying to register those unable to register otherwise) is guilty- BUT ACORN *WAS* doing it, and others were not.
Sort of like saying that ANYONE who challanged the voter rolls in Florida was trying to disenfranchise those voters.... The blame seems to have been assigned to Republicans BECAUSE THEY WERE THE ONES WHO ACTUALLY did the challange. Or will you absolve them of any guilt, since ANYONE who acted as they did would have produced the same results?????