The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114174   Message #2467316
Posted By: Amos
16-Oct-08 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
From ABC:

"Battleground States: Looking at the electoral landscape, there are seven must win states for McCain, including Ohio, Florida, Missouri, Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Given the way the electoral map is right now, McCain has to win every single one of those states to eek out a narrow electoral college victory, unless there's a massive shift in the race.

Right now Obama is ahead or at the least tied in every single one of McCain's seven must-win states. If the election were held today, Obama would win 300 electoral votes -- a presidential candidate needs to win 270 to take the White House. "

The current state of the States:

FLORIDA: RCP Average 10/04 - 10/14 -- 49.8 45.0 Obama +4.8
OHIO: RCP Average 10/03 - 10/13 -- 48.9 45.5 Obama +3.4
COLORADO:RCP Average 10/05 - 10/14 -- 50.4 44.6 Obama +5.8
MISSOURI: RCP Average 10/04 - 10/14 -- 48.8 47.0 Obama +1.8
NEVADA:RCP Average 05/16 - 09/30 -- 54.0 35.3 McCain +18.7
VIRGINIA: RCP Average 10/03 - 10/14 -- 51.6 43.0 Obama +8.6
N. CAROLINA: RCP Average 10/03 - 10/13 -- 47.9 46.7 Obama +1.2

On a national average, Obama is pulling ahead with a 6.9% lead.