The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115337   Message #2467951
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Oct-08 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bye, bye, Hillary. Hello.....
Subject: RE: BS: Bye, bye, Hillary. Hello.....
Amos, spunky gals from Alaska don't go for men who say "I swan". It sounds effete and contrived. I been tellin' you and tellin' you, you gotta tone down the foppish language and get with the times. You can bet the First Dude never said "I swan" to anyone, and that's one reason why Sarah married him, but she is gonna reconsider the whole thing fast when she sees those shocking pics that Chongo got of him and Ann Coulter backstage behind the cooler at the last Republican fundraiser...Hoo-Wee! There's gonna be hell to pay then. The First Dude will become the Last Dude!   

Yes, Stilly, the Winona Ryder situation is a bit of a conundrum. I still adore Winona. Well...I gotta play this thing out as it unfolds and see how it all comes out in the wash. Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes. That kind of thing. ;-)

You know, I'm thinkin' that Sarah probably has plans to annex Canada at some point, and I gotta get in here on the ground floor before that happens. She'll see me as a useful connection in that regard, given that I know people like William Shatner on a first name basis.

Note: I'm workin' on my corporate business jargon so that Sarah realizes right away that I'm an important guy who plays with the big boys and doesn't drop the ball.

p.s. Have posted a brief note in the mail to Hillary that says: "It was a real drag knowing you. I hope you fall down and bust a crown. Drop dead." - yours truly