The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115337   Message #2468135
Posted By: Bobert
17-Oct-08 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bye, bye, Hillary. Hello.....
Subject: RE: BS: Bye, bye, Hillary. Hello.....
You betcha that Ms. Sarah ain't no Biily Shatner....

After a night to think on it, I say to go for it, LH!!! I mean, you kids ain't gettin' no younger and I sho nuff hate to see either of ya'll havin' to look back in a few years and wondered what coulda been...

Plus, folks 'round Pine Grove Holler been talkin' about First Dude and Coulter fir weeks now so it must be true so it's kinda like...

...the right thing to do...
