The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115337   Message #2468387
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Oct-08 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bye, bye, Hillary. Hello.....
Subject: RE: BS: Bye, bye, Hillary. Hello.....
Rapaire is closer to the truth than he knows...

But I can say no more. I may have said too much already.

Suffice it to say that Rapaire's keen insight on matters such as this is one of the reasons that Chongo chose him as his runnin' mate. The other reasons mostly have to do with guns, drinkin', and gratuitous violence...

I am eyein' the election nervously. Not only has Chongo's APP failed to secure even 1 per cent of voter support in any national poll, it's beginnin' to look as though my beloved Sarah might possibly not be on the winnin' side either in November...mainly because she is saddled with that dodderin' old loon, John McCain, and he's sinkin' the ship of her dreams every time he opens his danged mouth!

Somethin' has got to be done about it fast, and I intend to get together with Sarah ASAP and discuss possible contingencies to turn this thing around. Perhaps John can be persuaded to admit he can't handle it, retire from politics right now, and Sarah can then step up to the plate in the last 3 weeks and take the country by storm! Boy, that would be dramatic. I wonder who she'll select for her VP? On the other hand, why would she even need one? I can see Sarah becomin' president-for-life after we do a couple of little amendments to the Constitution. That would make me First Dude for life. Holy shit.

Well, gotta get movin' here. Time is money, y'know, and it waits for no one. Y' can dress a duck up, but ya can't teach him to play the piano. When the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. See y'all on Capitol Hill.