The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115368   Message #2468723
Posted By: Donuel
17-Oct-08 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Subject: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Barbra Bachman House Republican; wants a Congressional Investigation of other anti American members who may also be consorting with terrorists. She wants the media to focus entirely on Obama's terrorist activities.

She ranted for 5 minutes on the Chris Matthews show tonight about the need ro root out domestic terrorists like Obama's associates.

Half truths can have a half life of hundreds of years.

Half truth examples.

Obama consorts with terrorists.

Mc Cain is pro America, Obama is running against McCain which makes Barack Hussein Obama anti American.

Leftists are all anti American. Radical leftists are traitors.

Only right wingers are Pro Americans.

A house divided makes for clear sailing of the ruling class.

This country has gone down this road before. HUAC the House UnAmerican Activities Commitee was successful in destorying the lives of Un Republican people.

Artists, writers and ordinary people were all caught in this net of fascism. Once they were merely called before the commitee the common practice was to have them lose their job lest the employer lose theirs. Joe McCarthy was never censured but did fall prey to a TV address by Edward R Murrow who was a prestigious version of today's Keith Oberman. A young lawyer by the name of Robert F Kennedy was Joe's assistant.

Half truths are nearly always 100% lies but they have a life of their own.

I can say sincerely that the Anti American cry will become the common accusation that will lead to great loss of life and livlihood if respondsible Republicans do nothing.

The Republican fascists are now so far over the top I do not see how Steven Colbert can effectively parody them anymore.

I certainly hope this anti american wave will cool off after the election. I fear not.