The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115368   Message #2468770
Posted By: Donuel
17-Oct-08 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
We need to know the full relationship between John McCain and Ted Hagard, Tom Foley and Little Richard. Is there another reason why John refused to go home and wished instead to sleep with his room mates in Viet Nam?

We need an in depth expose' concerning John McCain visiting every single country in which the CIA has rendition torture chambers. Is he the Bush administration's expert on torture or not? Who else is a better authority?

We need to know exactly how much of the Wall Street bail out money was signed over to Cindy McCain.

We have not been told of the peculiar McCain associations with the Schemm Team. Why not? What is he hiding?

Why did Ronald Reagan begin to lose his faculties soon after a meeting with the middle aged Senator John McCain? What is the connection? Why are we not being told?

Senator McCain claims he is not George Bush. Yet do we have any proof. There have not been any pictures of them together for years now.

McCain does not even deny having oral sex with Sarah Palin,,,disgusting! And does he or does he not have a neck brace on his penis!!!!   We are not being told the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!