The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22492   Message #246879
Posted By: Willie-O
24-Jun-00 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: Larkin Dulcimer Workshop in Ontario
Subject: RE: Larkin Dulcimer Workshop in Ontario
Just got home from seeing Andy and Larkin play in Fiddleheads, a strange but interesting bar in Perth. She is a very good dulcimer player (OK that's an understatement) and I sort of noticed her fretting with her thumb (but with much more style and grace than certain ape-fingered guitarists, like, uh, me). Lovely clarity of tone. And Andy is a terrificfingerpicker playing possibly the greatest-sounding AND most terrible-looking old Gibson I've ever laid eyes on--says it went through a fire sometime.

I gotta get some sleep. I like NEVER go out at night this late anymore...

Yours aye
Ramblin Rake (ret'd)