The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115119   Message #2469163
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
18-Oct-08 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
Subject: RE: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
""Backwoodsman - The legislation used to do this was passed to attack terrorist finances. As such this is a despicable "mission creep" of legislation that makes a mockery of all the so called anti-terrorism laws passed in recent years showing that the government and its agencies will use these laws against their own citizens and others at the drop of a hat. But of courst the innocent have nothing to fear!!!!""

With all due respect, Dazbo, that is a seriously slanted half truth, and is the major cause of Skarpi's anger.

The legislation referred to was enacted to make it possible for the government of the UK to freeze, and/or seize funds and property acquired through, or used to finance both terrorism, AND ORGANISED CRIME.

Since funds were being swiftly transferred out of the reach of the UK government, it was reasonable to act under this legislation to keep said funds in place while negotiating a resolution. The terrorist aspect of the legislation did not enter into the action taken, but was used by gutter journalists to stir up a reaction to sell newspapers.

Skarpi, don't let this media nonsense colour your opinion of us, or lead to anti British feeling.

Don't forget that Gordon Brown DOES NOT speak for us. We didn't elect him to the post of Prime Minister, and I pray to God we won't do so at the next election.

He is desperately trying to cover up his inadequacies with bluster, but few, if any, of us are fooled.

This WILL get sorted out, in spite of Brown.

Don T.