The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115302   Message #2469230
Posted By: bankley
18-Oct-08 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Montreal 60's Counterculture Question
Subject: RE: BS: Montreal 60's Counterculture Question
bobad, you may want to tell your friend's daughter to check out the Culture section of today's Mtl. Gazette.... if she can...
"Montreal's Most Influential Recordings " by Juan Rodriguez..

he's been around the scene for awhile, and 'tho I would include other, personal favorites... it gives an interesting look at the evolution of the music scene there from the early 60's to present times....

I'll pass along a few titles from the 20 named... he has a short review of each record as well as the rest of the article.... it might be of interest to some around here...

his criteria includes... sales, international reknown, Que. reknown, staying power, historical value, contemporary value, originality/innovation, breakthrough value,and "last and least"-his personal taste.... so here's a sample...

Felix Leclerc    'Le p'tit bonheur' 1959

Donald Lautrec   'Manon, viens danser le ska' 1964

Leonard Cohen    'Songs of Leonard Cohen' 1967

Robert Charlebois   'R.C. avec Louise Forestier' 1968

Jean-Pierre Ferland   'Jaune' 1970

Michel Pagliaro    'J'entends Frapper' 1972

Diane Dufresne      'Tiens-toe ben j'arrive' 1972

Contraction       'Contraction' 1972

Ville Emard Blues Band    'VEBB s'en vient-is coming' 1973

Beau Dommage       'B.D. 1974'

Harmonium         'L'Heptade' 1978

Kate and Anna McGarrigle    'The French Record' 1980

also mentioned are Rene Lussier, Celine Dion,Jean Leloup, Lhasa de Sela, Daniel Belanger, Les Cowboys Fringants, Arcade Fire....

anyhow, I would have personally included Jesse Winchester, Oscar Peterson, Gino Vanelli, Maynard Ferguson, Paul Bley, Walter Rossi, Mahogony Rush, Murdoch, Dunn and a few others

but I'm glad that I 'crossed the Main' way back when and recorded with Contraction and Ville Emard.... not bad for a young Anglais..