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Thread #115368   Message #2469370
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
18-Oct-08 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Jeffp, one of the names, in that article, Carillo, was also involved with Iran/Contra, which I've tried to 'enlighten' some Mudcatters on, but to no avail, the 'Kumbaya-ers' would rather deal with the petty.

In 1985-6, the Christic Institute, with their attorney, Daniel Sheehan, brought a lawsuit in Florida, involving the Contras, cocaine drug smuggling, and embezzled arms being shipped to the Contras, in exchange for drugs, by non other than Cuban nationalists, a segment of some CIA operatives, and the 'intelligence' community. When Hassenfuss's C5A cargo plane was shot down, by the Contras, this opened a whole bag of worms that exposed quite a bit of info, and the trail led to an airport, in Mena, Arkansas, during the Clinton governorship there. George Bush, Sr. who headed the CIA, and then, Vice President is certainly implicated. The hostages, in Iran, were released, when Reagan was being sworn in, was NOT BECAUSE he was being sworn in, but because, the hostage takers, who, one of the organizers, is presently the president of Iran...tortured a man to death, on video tape. His name was Buckley. As it turned out, he was the head of CIA covert operations, worldwide..and he spilled the beans, while being tortured to death. The hostage exchange, was a deal worked out, to keep that tape from being released, worldwide. Anyway, this is all now info that can be found..and a lot more, in a book 'Out of Control'..I could go on MUCH more about this, including the Bush/ Clinton ties, the 'Golden Triangle' and so on and so forth, which of course, brings us up to date, with some of the problems we are experiencing in the middle east...but I don't think the 'Kumbaya-ers' wouldn't want to be distracted from Sarah Palin, 'Joe the Plumber' and Troopergate, and other silly stuff. They are still working through the political ads, pundits, polls, MSNBC and FOX NEWS, stuff...and arguing about petty stuff, compared to this type of criminal activity, in the highest places in our government....Oh well! By the way, thanks for your brought back old memories. I scoured it for a name I was familiar with, when discovering the facts about Iran/Contra...and there it was in your article!!...There is SO-O-O-OO-OO much more, but, well, I think I'll get back to see if Sarah has strangled a moose on Joe the Plumber's porch yet...while out of season...maybe that will crucify her, and make the crazed mob happy!