The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115395   Message #2469669
Posted By: Barry Finn
19-Oct-08 - 02:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will Obama Win???
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
This will be the biggest Democratic landslide in recent history.
The "the Bradley Effect" will be over whelmed by the "reverse Bradley Effect". There have been reporters crawling though the rural & mountainous regions through out the US & beyond & they are reporting that most of what the rest of the US considers 'backwoods folks' are quietly saying that they're signing up as independants but they are voting for Obama but don't want anyone to know & it's even been discovered that a whole segment are telling others that they're voting MaCain but when they get to the polls they're gonna vote Obama, they just don't want their neighbors to know until after the vote. Obama bumper signs have been spotted on the backs of pickups that carry rifle racks with mooseye in the back of the bed. There's been a swelling campain that's aimed at saving the wolf & bear & another against vampires, even some tall ships with figure heads silver harpooning Palin through the heart, stone cold, isn't it!
Really & searingously now, it seems that many of the republican seats are gonna be lost to dem's along with the White House. The repub's are shaking & their fear is turning to deportation (they'll be singing about this one). As long as Bush & company don't start WWIII or pull off another 9/11 then they will be kissing their collective asses good-bye. This is a snowball effect, a falling of domino's, a groundswell building. Come the 5th of November we'll all wake to a whole brave new world & we will have our cake & we'll be eating too, & some of the old heads will roll red. The reports are coming in from every state that an overwhelming majority of the amazing amount of new young voters are signing up in droves as dem's, my 2 kids just registered as dem's along with all their old High School chums, it's going crazy up here in the once "Red State".

OK, call me crazy, call me batty, call me a dreamer you can even call me Willy but all my life I've been called pathalogicly affirmative but all my life I've been right. I was told 4 x's I'd die, I said NO, I'm still here, I said the war would be the biggest mistake since Viet Nam (check my posts) & that was on the day the second Bush got first elected, I said that the economy would be as bad when Bush was leaving office as it was good when Clinton left office. I just took a trip up to the north country, in my swing state of NH & where the Old Man in the mountain's face had recently fallen off there was the new face of Barack there instead. Way out west just north of the Badlands there was a report of a new 5th face on the side of Mt Rushmore, yup, it was the face of Obama, no one knows how it got there. At the Museum of Science, in Boston, they're opening up a new exhibit at the planetarium's observatory. They're focusing attention on the moon & the flag that the US planted there, it's saying "Vote for Obama, the man who'll save the Universe". If that's not a positive sign then God's gonna have to come down personnaly to the Mount & hold up 2 tablets that says "Fuck the Christen Right & Vote for Barack" & God's a black man, won't that be a shocker to some Christens, that'll drive the fundmentalist crazy, they won't know weither to shit standing up or rolling over. I'm saying it here & now, it's gonna be a brand new day. The Devil's gonna pay dearly come the dawning of the 5th, he's gonna rain hell all over the place, boy will he be pissed, & wait till some of those politicans fine out that the Devil's not red, he's white, they're gonna freak, he's gonna be keeping some pretty funny company, what a hot party that's gonna be.

Remember, you heard it here first at Mudcat,

from Barry