The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2470040
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
19-Oct-08 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
I didn't say you were, consciously and wittingly, a storm-trooping racist. I indicated (giving the example of those pursuing the doctrines of Gobineau) that the pattern of discrimation, inequality and ultimately, extermination first of culture and then of those members of "inferior" races as taken to its ultimate conclusion in the Third Reich, leads down that path. That is the tragedy of those like you unable to think logically. "I'm not a racist but . . . ". There's always a "justifying" but. You say it will stop after the elimination of vestiges of "alien" culture, your particular bee in bonnet being musical instruments that did not originate in England. The reality is otherwise. Go figure.

German musicians will not play their own traditional music, they play Irish instead. Their culture is a shameful thing to them, because it was hijacked for the "Aryan Cause". Yes, they're ashamed of their own songs and tunes, as all of us would be if we survived a parallel event here. Is that what you want?