The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2470243
Posted By: Phil Edwards
19-Oct-08 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Will - it's a myth. Hitler's father was born out of wedlock, & *his* mother never said who the father was - but there's no reason to imagine that the unknown grandfather was Jewish. A story went round after the war that Hitler's mother had been a maid to a rich Jewish family & that when he came to power Hitler had ordered that family's house razed to the ground, but this story seems to be complete invention.


- A multicultural world including nations with a multiple number of cultures trying to live peacefully under the one state law, or having different laws for different cultures withing the one nation..OR..
- As is my myspace header "a multicultural WORLD" with eco-travel and fair-trade between nations, via a stronger more-democratic UN

But these aren't alternatives. A stronger UN, green travel & fair trade are all good things, and they're all perfectly compatible with individual nations being multi-cultural. Or did you mean to say "a multicultural WORLD consisting of mono-cultural NATIONS"?