The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115363   Message #2470304
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
19-Oct-08 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joe the Plumber
Subject: RE: BS: Joe the Plumber
Speaking of which, when I was counseling more actively, very rarely was financial issues, not an issue, within the family, and often a topic of marital discord. Here a couple would be facing a personal crisis in their home, and lives, so they go to a marriage and family counselor, who was going to stick them with a bill, that they could not afford, and string them out for months, with little or no positive results. At least this is the way it is, within the profession.

Myself, I got into it for other, personal reasons, and my 'problem' is that I really DID care about these people, and their families. Cared so much, that the last person who ever gave me payment, was in 1989. I would just help, because I knew how to identify the problem, and worked avidly to solve it, instead of captitali$ing on it. When I heard of a family I thought I could help, I did so for free.

To me, it is shameful, that within the medical community, which is supposed to be saving lives, that it has been reduced to 'saving lives, keeping them alive so you can keep getting their payments'. ABSOLUTELY A SHAMEFUL DISGRACE!!

Fortunately, I've been a musician/writer/author/composer/sound engineer most of my life, as well. ...Helps relieve the stress, of knowing families are out their, in painful situations, and perhaps something I put together can detour some from personal disaster.

BTW, We just participated in a charity benefit, to raise money, food, clothes and transportation for those in need, which was a huge, better than expected success. I'd much prefer this, than making it a mandatory 'spread the wealth' nonsense.

Another aside, According to statistics, Bush' tax rebates, to stimulate the economy.....more than half, went to porno!!! Unfucking believable!..Oh well, share the wealth!?!?