The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115363   Message #2470363
Posted By: jimmyt
19-Oct-08 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joe the Plumber
Subject: RE: BS: Joe the Plumber
Well, Well, Well. So Mr. Richard Bridge found the chink in my armor by working with a "runny Nose and "
Twisting my Employees" arms to do so too." Glad you got it all figured out, buddy. First of all I NEVER ask my employees to work if they are sick. Never, got it? never. Do they come in when they are not feeling well? yes! they do. Regularly. Do I work likewise? YES!!! I DO! It is what drives the economic bus! I am in a SERVICE business and my patients relty on me to be there for them! End of story. Do I contaminate them with unnecessary exposure? NO! I practice barrier techniques. I Wash my hands, I wear gloves and a mask. Is it feasable that someone could acquire a virus or bacteria from exposure in my office? Probably! at the front desk when they are checking out. GIVE ME A BREAK!   w