The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2470578
Posted By: catspaw49
20-Oct-08 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Wav: "......apparently classical musicians still tend to use the latter name.".......

What complete horseshit! Unlike your sorryass self, I actually do have both A) friends and B) friends who are classically trained and practicing classical musicians. Two of them also play RECORDER and I can tell you for a fact that neither refers to a recorder as an English Flute......ever. They have each been deeply involved in music since their early years (both are 60 now) and both have doctorates----One in Performance and the other in Music Education. So don't even try to pretend you piddling experience or pathetic degree somehow qualifies your limpdick self.

If and when a classical musician DOES refer to anything English about the flute, they refer to THESE transverse blown flutes of the period.

Note again they are transverse blown and not susceptible to the "WavyBlowBoy's Blow-Job Technique" which is the most ridiculous looking playing style for recorder I have ever seen!   Did you learn that from watching your dear, sweet, Mum at work? Or is it something you picked up on your own along with a case of clap?
