The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115302   Message #2471294
Posted By: Beer
20-Oct-08 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Montreal 60's Counterculture Question
Subject: RE: BS: Montreal 60's Counterculture Question
Use to play in the Verdun Fastball league in the late 60/70ties at Willibroad Park, Melrose, Burland and Douglas. After the games the team would make their way to the Monk Tavern in Ville Emard. In 67 we were paying 10 cents (maybe 15 but I seem to remember 10) for a 16oz. glass. The tables we would put all together and discuss the results of the game. Upon leaving around 11 p.m it was always a stop at the corner of Monk and Allard for a delicious water melting Dilallo hamburg with the hot peppers.
There is a Metro station at that Hamburger spot now, but just down the street they are located and not cheep any more.