The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115368   Message #2471554
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Oct-08 - 05:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Subject: RE: BS: Anti Americans & Half truths
Bill D, Also look up 'Group 40', and 'Operation 40' . It was a group comprised of Cuban nationals, certain figures in the intelligence community, and organized crime. In 1959, then, Vice President Nixon, met with Santos Traficanti, under Meyer Lansky at the Fontanbleu Hotel, in Miami, when the organized crime operations, was run out of Cuba. They offered to 'help' the US in retaking Cuba(being as they lost considerable financial interests there), and wanted to meet with the government, to form a group. By the way, if you recall, when the Watergate burglars were caught, a large number of them were Cuban nationals, and certain factions of the intelligence community. Part of the same group,, ironically, called 'The Plumbers' or 'The Plumber's Unit'. Look it up, its all there, if you're interested.
Out of this was the foundation for 'Operation Mongoose' which, after some 'adjustments' was 'The Bay of Pigs'.....