The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2471563
Posted By: WalkaboutsVerse
21-Oct-08 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
"I've seen this kind of thing before. In the United States, when affirmative action laws came into existence, there were people who blamed the laws for their own inability to find work, claiming that people from minority groups keep getting chosen over them. There were many who could manage to get down to the unemployment office to pick up their weekly check, but wouldn't stir off the sofa for the rest of the week and go looking for work. "Why bother?" they would rationalize, "They'll only give the job to a black or a Hispanic or a woman. . . ."   Blaming affirmative action for their not having gainful employment and thus having to live off their unemployment checks was a very convenient excuse for them to sit at home and watch soaps or spend their days hanging out at the local coffee shop or bar." (naive Don)...I just heard an estimate that the number of UE here will soon double due to recession - and we know that New Labour have recently allowed record amounts of economic/capitalist immigration (only the last year or two have they strengthened regulations); and if you insist on being personal as well, there were, despite the conditions, a couple of Production Manager posts which I have just APPLIED for - with my 4 tech. certificates and degrre in humanities. You've also criticised my myspace attempts at music, before being politely asked if there's anything of yours we can check on the web..?.."blather, baloney, claptrap, drivel, twaddle, and gobbledygook"..?
Gervase - I'm an English NOT a British nationalist, who also supports Plaid Cymru and the Scottish Nationalists.
IB - " I do not publish my opinions"...that's an example of what I just said of you - you who repeatedly calls me a racist because I repeatedly question immigration/emigration; you don't analyse things clearly - another example, when I previously said New Labour have just recently strengthened immigration regulations with English tests, etc., you decided they are "all mother-fuckers"!
And I only ever question your analytical abilities when you call me a racist - when I have only questioned THE ACT OF IMMIGRATION ITSELF, not any particular race or culture. WITH SOME QUALIFAICATION, you could call me an anti-immigrationist but racist IS false and defamatory - DON'T publish it anymore.