The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115446   Message #2471630
Posted By: GUEST,Suffolk Miracle
21-Oct-08 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: One song performers
Subject: RE: One song performers
Many years ago I used to attend a session in an Irish Club. Early on an Irishman called to the MC 'I'll do one!' The MC studiously ignored him. The following week the same thing happened. I spoke to one of the regulars and asked, 'Is he really that bad a singer?' He said, 'He's not very good, but the real problem is he only knows one song.' I thought that to exclude him for that was still a little harsh. Then one week the MC finally let him sing. Very, very slowly with many pauses as he tried to remember all three verses, he proceded to sing ... Amhrán na bhFiann! So of course we all had to stand up for the entire performance, and worse still, the bar being in the same room, the bar staff had to stop serving as well. From then on, I supported the MC.