The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2472072
Posted By: GUEST,Ruth, who has lost her cookies.
21-Oct-08 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
WAV, when i post here i post as an individual, not as a representative of any organisation. i have made this clear in the past, and it's partly why I choose to use a nom de guerre. What else I do in my life, and who for, has largely been mentioned by others - unlike you, I don't feel compelled to pimp my every achievement all over the internet, creating a website in homage to myself and constantly drawing attention to it. In fact I never even had a website till last week, and the one I have now is to promote my business, not my Way Forward For Humanity (nor my crap melodeon playing, come to it - unlike you, I won't inflict my piss-poor musicianship on the world until I'm a lot better). You'll notice, I've never mentioned the address on Mudcat.

My gripe with you is one of personal ideology, and it's rather pathetic of you to try and scare me off by "outing" me. In fact, it demonstrates the weakness of your arguments that these are the sorts of tactics you're prepared to resort to in order to try and shut me up, rather than working out reasoned responses to the many questions which have been put to you.

I stand by everything I've ever said about your xenophobia, racism, narcissism and self-aggrandisement. Anyone who wants proof need only read what you've written. Hoist by your own petard.