The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115363   Message #2472147
Posted By: PoppaGator
21-Oct-08 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joe the Plumber
Subject: RE: BS: Joe the Plumber
"Oh tell me we are not going after Cathy the Coder now."

Jeez, mg, do you really feel that everyone is out to get working people? Is is so hard for you to realize that a person whose entire life has been lived in strained economic circumstances might be able to have an objective thought about the instrinsic value of a particular line of work?

I've had to earn my living, at times, by grinding away at tasks whose ultimate purpose was either against my pronicples, or simply pointless or impossible to discern. I understand only too well that this kind of situation can't be helped, but I don't think that sympathy for the working individual has to translate into blind acceptance of the job required of him/her by the corporation supplying the paycheck.

Recognizing that the huge amount of money and human energy going into efforts to create and manage redundant medical paperwork is NOT "going after" the individuals who find themselves in that line of work. Hell, I know that, when it comes to the job market, most people are only able to take whatever they can get.

Instead of getting all defensive on behalf of your friend Cathy, for whom I have every bit as much sympathy as you do, might it possible for you to give a moment's thought to how tragic it is that some of us have no choice but to spend our waking hours serving the needs of a system that may give us a paycheck with one hand, but picks our pocket and steals our dignity with the other hand?

I made a serious omission in that prior post about the horrendous waste and counterproductiveness of the current insurance-company-based health-payment system. Besides the unneccesary corporate profits, and besides the basic wastefulness of multiplying paperwork, there is the undeniable fact that insurance companies invest way too much of their income and of their human capital in the denial of claims filed by people who have been paying their premiums! Those are the folks we need to be crying for!

Now, if you come back boo-hooing to me about Al the Adjuster, who only denies medical care to dying children because The Boss gives him no chociue and he has to feed his family, well then, I just give up...