The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2472612
Posted By: catspaw49
22-Oct-08 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
WAV writes: "Don - instead of all your knocking and bragging, do some recording for us to check FIRST."

What a sniveling little piece of shit you are Wavyblowboy. Your complete lack of knowledge about Don Firth shines brightly through in that one stupid sentence. Don was performing live and a major part of the folk scene in his area about the time your sorry, broke-dick, self was born! If you had any interest in the others who live here in the Mudcat village you would know that. You don't. Mudcat is blessed by having the likes of Don Firth among us as well as Bob Nelson, Art Thieme, Bruce Murdoch, Sandy Paton, Jean Ritchie, and so many others.   Speak not of that which you don't know.

Your own work is so pathetic and laughable that statements like the one you made above are the ones that are the most defamatory of all. Your voice is below average at best and your blow-job technique on recorder coupled with your lack of any musicality make your offerings distasteful and in need of becoming burnt offerings. Please take all your crappy recordings and racist life's work out to the back and burn them......then run them over with a forklift.

On the other hand, YOU cannot be defamed by being labeled what you have have proven yourself to be with your own words..........a RACIST AND A BIGOT. You actually use the word "manifesto" regarding that drivel you write????? Last guy who used that was the Unibomber preceded of course by Hitler.   I'm sure both are closet heroes of yours.

You're still young but I figure the syphilis you inherited from Mumsy has already started eating away at your brain which causes you to act like such a complete moron. Either that or the genetic code passed on by the yak your mother kept as a lover is incompatible with that of your mother. Must be one or the other or maybe both......................
