The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115526   Message #2474037
Posted By: Mark Dowding
23-Oct-08 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: Can I borrow a guitar?
Subject: RE: Can I borrow a guitar?
I'm happy to lend my guitar (not an expensive one but it sounds good) to anyone who may have either forgotten or hadn't brought theirs for whatever reason but I remember lending it to someone once and when I got it back I couldn't play it - it was like the chap had spread evostik (contact adhesive) all over the neck and the strings.

It might well have been that he had the sort of skin/sweat that had this effect or he'd been eating a finger buffet beforehand and not washed his hands. I now keep a duster with polish on it and a cloth with some degreasing spray in the case just in case I meet someone with the same problem.
