The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2474262
Posted By: paula t
23-Oct-08 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
I love the type of singers night where everyone takes their fair turn and no-one is judgemental. I've always thought the folk scene was special because everyone's contribution was valued . I find it a bit disheartening when people do not show respect to someone making a contribution to the music.I feel that this this disrespect can take many forms and the ones I see most are those people who talk over performers who do not "do" the type of material they feel is to their taste,or who place negative value judgements openly on others performances.The mobile 'phone issue is a difficult one. When Sarah and Kathryn were performing and the guy's 'phone went off I would not have been annoyed if he had answered it there and then and gone outside as quickly as possible to have his conversation. After all, it could have been an emergency.As it turned out it wasn't but we were all subjected to his loud conversation(perhaps he was speaking to someone a long way away?)He was on the front row in a small room.Ho hum.