The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2474537
Posted By: CarolC
24-Oct-08 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
It looks more like the person claiming she was mutilated by an Obama supporter is more indicative of what McCain supporters are like than what Obama supporters are like. As soon as I saw her story on a video at MSNBC, she set off my Susan Smith lie detectors, and I had a look around. Turns out the police are very suspicious of her story...

She wasn't even willing to go to the hospital, that's how traumatized she was. If the police suspicions are correct (and I think they are), this is a person who is willing to start a race war just to either A. get her candidate elected, or B. to get her fifteen minutes of fame. Either way, as with Susan Smith, doing something reprehensible and then blaming in on Black people is about as reprehensible as it is possible to get. And it is entirely in keeping with the whole ethic of the McCain campaign.