The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115395   Message #2474886
Posted By: Donuel
24-Oct-08 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will Obama Win???
Subject: RE: BS: Will Obama Win???
There is a earthen dam 5 miles away from where I live downstream. When the dam began to leak badly and the national media turned its eye on the sad shape it was in, I went to look for myself.

No one else I knew went to look or study elevation maps.
They just swallowed whatever the media was told to say by the groups who had the most at stake for their careers and bank accounts.

The economic dam for the country and world is washing away and precious few people are going to look for themselves. Instead they just swallowed whatever conservative stew was served them for the last 20 years. The stew had a policy of no regulation, no cops, no courts, no midnight watchmen and people bought and ate it since they got a sugar high that was intoxicating
The stew was seasoned with family values, trust in God, patriotism , a undieing loyalty to the Republican party and a vast new police state security over the citizens of America.

Now we all have food poisoning to some degree and many people will die, but not CEOs. Not the neocons. The rest of us will have some pretty chilling bouts of vomiting in times to come. Yet while most of us will suffer, some people who swallowed the most and will have the most to lose will swear to thier last dieing gurgling gasp that the stew was good. they will say it was those who critisized the stew that made them sick.

Folks, its only stew. IT was made by people like me and you. The cooks crafted its flavor and presentation for one reason. Profit.
The culture of corruption set a nice table but their were rats in the kitchen and fleas on the rats.

The next stew that is now being prepared by Barack Obama will be for mere survival. There will be new standards for cleanliness that will be hard for some people to learn but we need to learn about the new economic sanitation and enforce the rules.

Dinner may be meager and we will have to clean our plates but it will be wholseom and home made. We will be wary of any new stew in a can

Like my mom said , you should eat to live, not live to eat.