The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115548   Message #2475387
Posted By: Bat Goddess
24-Oct-08 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: SINSULL is ?? today
Subject: RE: BS: SINSULL is ?? today
Gnu -- that's "Hail, Mary, full of GRAPES" -- fermented, that is.

Happy B.D., Mary! Your card is still on the table cuz I've been too tired to address it since I made the decision not to come to the house concert tomorrow night (to recover from the damned cold). I'll prolly just give it to you along with the gift that's been screaming your name since sometime last year (and I DIDN'T even get it at the Christmas Tree Shop!!!). I'm sure, too, that sometime between now and then the gift will get gaudily wrapped, too.

Today is my mother's 80th birthday -- and you're far younger than she is.

Hope your day was grand, you keep celebrating for at least a month, and that we'll see you soon -- after we've ALL gotten rid of The Cold!
