The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115055   Message #2475752
Posted By: Ron Davies
25-Oct-08 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
Subject: RE: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
Still patiently waiting for your examples of exactly which presidential elections have been "bought", Bruce. Bill brought up a possible example--but, as you know, there is no clinching evidence.   And I would reject the 1960 election as an example--since, as I said, my point is that money alone is not enough to "buy" an election. You must have arguments to convince voters. I think even you would admit JFK did have such arguments--based on reality or not--as in the case of the "missile gap" which he himself knew did not exist.

And the necessity of arguments to voters should be obvious to anybody not a prisoner of yet another stupid conspiracy theory--on either the Left or the Right.

Both of which we are blessed with on Mudcat.