The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2475792
Posted By: Ron Davies
25-Oct-08 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain

That pales beside McCain (aka the Weathervane) and his flip-flops

1) immigration--now he says he'd vote against the bill he co-sponsored. Pandering to know-nothings like your good self?   Perish the thought.

2) just recently the "bail-out".   He was all over the map--trying desperately to figure out which way the wind was blowing.

3) tax cuts--against the 2003 tax cuts. Now tax cuts are the cat's meow.

4) Like the other candidates, praising GWB to the skies in the Republican debates. Now slashing GWB's record to shreds--since he's figured out that's necessary to get independent votes.


And since we're on the subject, let's examine your own views.

1)   You were allegedly for Hillary. Yet though Obama's views and Hillary's dovetail almost completely, you are now still attacking Obama at every turn. Even though Hillary herself points this out constantly , you pay no attention.

Conclusion: you were never a real Hillary voter. In the general election you would never have voted for her-since she was in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

You were just favoring her since she was the main opposition to Obama.

2)   You claim to be against organized religion. Yet you defend the only fundamentalist--Palin. And are stupidly oblivious to the threat McCain appointees will be to the church/state divide you supposedly favor.

Hence my affectionate term for you--Mr. Hypocrite

If I had to guess, I'd say that actually the reason you attack Obama--and by doing so, support McCain, since the only way to keep him out is to vote for Obama--is that you are stuffed full of prejudice.

Especially your hate and fear of Mexican immigrants dominates your thinking. Now that McCain, as I note, no longer favors a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, that makes him fine with you. You jettison any supposed other beliefs--like separation of church and state.

It's also interesting that the only black man you speak highly of is safely dead. Any live black public figure is a threat to you, and will not get your support.

And you conveniently ignore the fact that Obama himself has said his own daughters should not benefit from affirmative action programs--these programs should be at least partially economics-based, not just race-based.

The above is of course just a theory. You are welcome to try to rebut it--but your postings support it down the line.