The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2476376
Posted By: jimslass
26-Oct-08 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
when I began learning fiddle, I was encouraged, quite early on, to play at our folk club. I was desperatley nervous, scraped through my number and received rapturous applause. The members were and still are extremely kind and supportive. Other 'not perfect by any means' folks take their turns along with some very accomlished performers.

I've practised and improved (loads of room for more improvement) and now do a regular turn. Recently one of the 'accomplished' performers told me he remembered my first 'scrape' and said how well I was coming along. Can't describe how good thast felt.

I now play with a number of other folks in various settings - and I wouldn't be at the stage I'm at had it not been for those first awkward attempts and the kindness and encouragement with which they were received.

There are often people who sing or play at our club who you think really ought not, but they deserve their chance, and are greatly outnumbered by great performances and 'join-in-alongs'

If things get too excruciating, then the organisers should have a quiet, supporive, diplomatic word, but on the whole, let's give people chance to express themselves and do our bit by being considerate while others are performing, and prepare ourselves by practising and learning our 'spots'.