The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115544   Message #2476421
Posted By: GUEST,Volgadon
26-Oct-08 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Canvassers
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Canvassers
"Volgadon. It obviously makes you happy so carry on doing whatever it is your religion tells you to do. Funny how "I know it can do so for others" has changed to "what I believe will bring happiness" but, what the heck, worse things have been changed in the name of religion."

Nice try. Here is what I said: Yes, I do know that what I believe will bring happiness, that's my conviction.

How is that different from this: My religion is something that gives me immense joy and I know it can do so for others.

Nice little bit of underhandedness there, Dave, or maybe you just didn't read carefully.

I'm not hoisting my religion on you, mate. I'm trying to figure where you get off telling me that I am the same as Torquemada or the Taliban.

"As to taring with the same brush, well... You believe in an all powerful God and messenger sent by him to save the world. You believe you are right. You believe your religion will bring peace and happiness. So do the Taliban. What is the difference?"

Maybe the fact that I don't believe that violence, force or compulsion should have any place in a religion?

My question to you is what is the difference between you and a bigot? Both tar people they don't agree with or like with the same brush.

And really, if someone wanted to take your argument to it's absurd and logical conclusion, then picking up a paycheck is wrong, because thousands upon thousands of crimes have been commited for the sake of money.