The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2476499
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Oct-08 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
Mr. Hypocrite (AKA the CEO of Smears R Us)--"Rig"

Poor boy (you wouldn't understand Pobrecito--it's Spanish and therefore makes you blow your top--since, as I said, the main thing driving you is your hate and fear of Mexican immigrants.)   That's why you never were a real Hillary voter---since, as I said, she is in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

You would never have voted for her in the general election against any Republican--for the reason I cited.

Nor do you care about the war in Iraq---or indeed anything but your hate and fear of Mexicans--and blacks, it appears.

Your hypocrisy is on brilliant display particularly when you defend Palin.

Gee, I remember you whining pathetically for years about the "evils" of organized religion. But though Palin does believe in the "end times"---and you might want to consider :Palin will be putting you in the "left behind"--your hypocrisy is such that you ignore this--and the fact that, as I said, McCain- appointed judges will be industriously tearing down the alleged wall between church and state.

All your piteous moaning about religion was just so much hot air, it's plain to see.

It has no chance against the driving force in your mind--your strong prejudice against all Mexican immigrants---which is why you are fine with McCain now that he has pushed a path to citizenship for illegals far into the next century--if then.

It actually sounds like you are in fact the perfect racist--since black people seem to bother you too--especially if they're "uppity" enough to actually have some power--and be public figures. (Unless they're dead--like MLK).

As I said, not only does silence consent, it's obvious my theory about your motivation is totally true---you can't contradict it, since you know it is.

And no matter how much people try to reason with you, you ignore anything but your own prejudices.

And your postings--for years--back it up completely.

I'd be glad to cite chapter and verse from your collected works if you care to dispute this.