The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105876   Message #2476504
Posted By: Jayto
26-Oct-08 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: songs that made us laugh
Subject: RE: songs that made us laugh
I was at a songwriters thing one night (writers in the round). I had been hearing about this songwriter that was supposed to be top notch. A friend of mine in Nashville Tennessee told me he was going to be at Douglas Corner and he (he worked for a publishing company) was told to check him out. He asked if I wanted to go with him to hear this guy. I had been hearing the buzz around town about this guy so I was excited to hear him. We rolled in a little before the show. The writer heard my friend was there (of course he could care less about me lol) and came over to our table and started the typical overly happy to see you self promotion bit. Then he proceeded to tell how powerful his new song was and he would open with it just so my friend could hear it first blah blah blah. Come showtime he walked to the mic and had that forced demeanor of oh I am so humble. Right off the bat the guy was losing major points with both of us. He then grabs his guitar and starts a slow major arpeggio that built up to a nice soothing melody. When he started singing I about lost it. The whole song was about a guy that had this beautiful girlfriend but he was blind. He couldn't see her outer beauty but knew her inner beauty well. So far it is alright. Then he had his girlfriend sneaking a side job on top of her regular job to save money without him knowing. The kicker starts about now. hen after saving all her money she surprises him by paying for an EYE REPLACEMENT SURGERY so he can see her outer beauty as well. OMG I about lost it. After the set he approached us in a frenzy and asked my friend what he thought. My buddy paused for a very long time but finally looked up and said " Man I don't think they have those kind of surgeries.". All the blood rushed from his face just as a waitress walked up to our table. The guy turned to the waitress and asked her. The waitress just looked like "Oh crap I was hoping to avoid this." smiled and said "uhm I don't think so but what do I know I am just a waitress." I was trying not to laugh but it was hard. This was around 1993 or so. He looked at me and I said "I have never heard of it but hey your creating the song and story. Why not create the surgery as well?" I know it wasn't the coolest thing but hey I was stuck lol. I know this isn't exactley what you had in mind when you started this thread but everytime I think about songs that made me laugh this one comes to mind first.
