The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115544   Message #2477858
Posted By: GUEST,Volgadon
28-Oct-08 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Canvassers
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Canvassers
You want me to explain, alright.

"And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it, and it is his eternal word, which cannot pass away, that they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are filthy shall be filthy still; wherefore, they who are filthy are the devil and his angels; and they shall go away into everlasting fire, prepared for them; and their torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever and has no end."

This about the Devil, his followers from pre-earth life and the few, such as Cain, who have commited sins that even the Lord won't forgive.
The prophet Jacob was being very figurative, describing what they would feel.
It is not about about non-Mormons or people who have led what we see as a rotten life.

"BTW - What makes you think I am either atheist or non religious? I have only ever said I am against organised religions."

Never said you were.

"Or how about this. I am saying NO loud and clear. Will you assure me that none of your sect will ever knock on my door again? To save both my time and your collegues shoeleather can you put me onto your version of a preference service that says 'No thanks. I don't want to discuss your dogma.' I can assure you that either the sign or our door doesn't work or your missionaries that called at our house cannot read."

You are saying no to the wrong person. I am not on a mission anymore, I am not even on the same continent as you are. You don't want them coming round, well next time you see any of our missionaries, then tell them. Have them write down 'never knock at el gnomo's' and tape it to their door. It's a waste of breath telling me, as I have no control over the missionaries in your area. Frankly, it's not my problem.

"What right does your church have to baptise those who do not ask for a mormon baptism? Let it be said right up front and now, I never, ever in any circumstances wish to be baptised into the cult that you follow either by proxy or in any other way . Not do I want your leaders intefering with the memory of my ancestors. Will you guarantee that it will never be done?"

You overestimate my power. As the policy is that names should only be submitted by kin, then that is your problem, not mine. It would be nice if you were to make your wishes known to any relatives or posterity, would sure save those involved some time and effort as it would be useless to do any work for you, you've already made your choice.


Melissa, that is a shame. Tell them so.