The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2480630
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Oct-08 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Richerd - There is indeed a huge difference between the two. I don't believe anyone on here is suggesting they are that good that they can exclude anyone. There is also a huge difference between excluding someone altogether an restricting where they perform, which is all I am saying. Let us say for instance we have someone at our club who cannot hold a tune, cannot remember words and cannot keep time. Let's call her Mureil to protect the innocent (My Mothers name).

Now, Muriel is more than welcome to strut her stuff at any one of our singers nights, of which there are 28 a year. She can also go to a host of other clubs, including Lewes, and get on anytime she wants. What I will not do is put her on main stage to support Bellowhead in front of an audience of 300 people who have paid £15 a ticket. Now if that is being exclusive or superior to anyone then I'm afraid I am guilty as charged. So are most of the music promotors in the country.

There should be no difference in quality between the Bellowhead concert and a guest night at or club. OK, we only charge £3 and only get 40 in but the quality should be just the same. On a singers night with free admission and the where the auience understand that anything goes it is a different kettle of fish.
