The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248144
Posted By: GUEST,Don Meixner
27-Jun-00 - 07:10 PM
This is aimed at Self Avowed Christians but it could as well be Muslims, or Jews, or Hindus, or Sihks or any number of religioud people who feel that zeal and evangelicism is the only way to express their faith.

If I have a resentment it is to those Christians who assume that because I don't were my faith on my sleave or on the trunk of my car that I am not truly a Christian. I try to live my life in a charitable and honorable way. To help those who need my help. I try to raise my children with a set of values and a sense of fair play.

I resent the crowd who insists I listen to them extole the virtues of their faith while at the same time they are denegrating my beliefs. The evangelical crowd who shouts down a faith that has stood me in good stead in moments of my need are no different than those who use religion as an allowable excuse for terrorism. The vocal few that feel that their faith is better and their laws are "juster" are cut from the same cloth as those who blow up barracks, aircraft, stores, open air markets, and public assemblies in the name of God. The diference between those Christians and THIS CHRISTIAN is Jesus said "Cut them some slack." so I do.

I resent the notion that the path to heaven and the mysteries there of can only be explained by a man.

I resent the notion that the way people love people is sinful in some cases.

I don't feel the need to give or accept appologies for my faith. I am the person that I am and I believe as I do because the example given to me Christ is a good way to live. I try to live that way.

I won't tell you what to read or watch because I don't approve of what you like. I won't use my religion as an excuse to trade in politics. I won't tell you how to pray or who can preach to you

I will feed you when you come to my door hungry. I will offer the best blessing I can for you. If you are cold there is room by my fire. There is no charge for this, it is freely given because Jesus said " Do unto others..." Just as did Buddah, Mohammed, and other teachers. I will treat you and your faith with the same consideration I would wish of mine. I'll help if i can and I will do more if needed. Just ask.
