The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115388   Message #2481551
Posted By: TheSnail
01-Nov-08 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club Manners
Subject: RE: Folk Club Manners
Jim Carroll

I hung on to see if there were any answers to the questions I asked Bryan and Richard in my last few postings - there weren't of course, and I should have known better than to expect any.

And a while ago YOU accused ME of being snide.

I'll have to assume that the Lewes Club would turn a large proportion of their evening over to non-singers, after all isn't that "what it's all about".

I give about as much thought to this question as I do to how I will spend the money when I win the lottery. It is so unlikely that there is no point worrying about it.

But... just for the sake of argument, let's look at this scenario in detail. A group of people we have never seen before turn up one evening and express a desire to do a floor spot each. There are quite a few regular floor singers but we might manage to get everybody on for one each, especially if the residents hold back. What would you have me do? Demand references? Subtly question them to try and find out there background? Take them out to the loo for a quick audition? Refuse to put them on in case they weren't any good? Or say "Welcome. Glad to see you. (That'll be £3 each.)"?

I can't recall being involved with a club since the the late sixties which hasn't either organised a singers workshop or had one on hand if required.


Ooops! That page needs updating.

I agree with Richard when he says "Sorry, Jim. I admire you and what you have done." but a lot of us have been answering you questions for a long time and are beginning to realise the complete futility of trying to persuade you of anything.