The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115797 Message #2481804
Posted By: Rasener
01-Nov-08 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: Songwriters living in your area
Subject: RE: Songwriters living in your area
>>BTW Mr Villan I would have thought that a certain lady from Stitherum should be getting a mention from someone a bit closer to Gainsbro than me? Hint hint. lol <<
Tim You ask for my area which is Market Rasen. Both of my mentioned people i.e. Simon Johnson and Abi Moore live within spitting distance.
I commented on JC & DE becuase they are in spitting distance of you.
Mrs Sooz lives too far away for me to spit, so should really be a mudcatter living near Gainsborough.
I could have mentioned Whacko Jacko (Steve jackson), but he is also out of spitting distance.
Basically, if you look at the performers on the 2 yelowbellies CD's that were put out for charity and covering performers in Lincolnshire, then that covers a lot of people, but most are not in spitting distance.