The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115837 Message #2482453
Posted By: GUEST,Chris
02-Nov-08 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: Instruments: The National Musical String Company
Subject: Folklore: The National Musical String Company
Hello All, My name is Chris and I am a New Jersey researcher studying the National Musical String Company, maker of Black Diamond, Bell Brand, Lyric, and other string lines, as well as the first harmonicas produced in the United States. I am hoping that some of you out there might have a little information on the company. I know there is a very nostalgic sense about NMSCo products but take a look at some information I have provided below and please post anything you might be able to add to it.
1897 - Thomas Nelson, Jr., owner of the Rice Musical String Company of New York, makers of the Bell Brand, Alexander M. Paul, owner of the Standard Musical String Company of Connecticut, makers of Black Diamond, and George Dow Emerson owner of a string factory in Bellville, New Jersey combine their interests to form the National Musical String Company.
1898 – The NMSCo moves into its new home in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
1899 – The NMSCo purchases the American Musical String Company.
1917 – William R. McClelland purchases the NMSCo form George Dow Emerson, the last of the NMSCo founders.
1932 – McClelland unexpectedly dies of a heart attack. With no wife or children the NMSCo is eventually bought by C. Bruno and Son, Inc. James and Frank Gibson, former employees, then rivals of the NMSCo (the Gibson Musical String Company), are put in charge.
1970 – The NMSCo is purchased by the Kaman Music Corporation.
1979 – The NMSCo is renamed the Kaman Musical String Company and moved to Connecticut.
1982 – The old New Brunswick NMSCo building is declared a national historic landmark and still stands today.
2001 – Black Diamond and other NMSCo trademarks are purchased by The Cavanaugh Company and relaunched from Florida.