The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115797 Message #2482550
Posted By: breezy
02-Nov-08 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: Songwriters living in your area
Subject: RE: Songwriters living in your area
In St Albans we have Chris Flegg who has had songs on the radio, even Scotland and has had reviews in loads of mags, Acoustic Guitar even
He has produced 3 full original CDs in the past 6years and was runner up at Maidenhead if I remember
his stand out songs include Another Child in Africa, Things Just Might Not Get Better, not Crazy Yet and recently one that guru does, Flowers Of England'
Other St Albans luminaries include the previously mentioned George Papavgeris and before him there was Mike Deavin
All three have been prolific and shown exceptional writing talents providing a singer with a pool of songs that enhance any quality repertoire