The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22735   Message #248260
Posted By: Victoria H.
27-Jun-00 - 10:52 PM
As to "It is not enough...." That was not the point, was it? ....How can even the most heartfelt attempt of one person ever be "enough" to erase the pain caused by many? I don't think the original post meant anything of the kind.It was a step, a beginning, one person trying to heal instead of hurt. Any step in the direction of acceptance, tolerance and brotherhood (sisterhood, personhood, you choose...) is one step closer than before, and as such, every step counts. If one person may take one step, think of how far we can move together if all of us did the same? I applaud you, Praise, as I would applaud any person of any religion, for reaching out in the first place - and I feel compelled to add that while the past is out of our hands, we can still make a difference for the future. The blame of the past lies on the heads of those that hurt others in the past... but the hope of the future lies in our hearts, our hands and our voices, and in the children we raise to embrace differences rather than despise them. This means all of us, not just one religion or group. We have a long way to go, no matter what our individual religion (or lack of religion) may be - and each of us can make a small difference that is part of a larger equation. I am speaking from my own Christian viewpoint, but this is something I discuss often with my friends, the closest and dearest of whom just happen to be Jewish, Pagan, Catholic and Gay, respectively. These are people I am proud to have in my life, and they are blessings to me.